maandag 29 oktober 2007

Proof that Yuwie is paying

The first signs of proof that Yuwie is really paying it's members are showing. OldBuddy posted this screenshot from his PayPal account:

So we don't have to ask our selves if Yuwie is a scam or not anymore. So what are you waiting for? Get started and make some $$ :)

woensdag 24 oktober 2007

Microsoft invests in Facebook valuating it at $15B

Facebook has agreed to sell a 1.6% stake in the company to Microsoft for $240 million, valuing the company at a whopping $15 billion.

Assuming that Facebook has 42 milion active members in October this would mean that a user on Facebook is worth $357 !

Let's assume (just assume! ;) ) that the same applies for Yuwie, that would mean Yuwie is worth $67,870,341,- at this moment and increasing it's value with $1,554,021,- every day.....

Is this really the value, or is this a true sign of another internet bubble?

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007

Policy Change; paid pageviews

Starting later today, guest page views will not count as paid page views. In order for a paid page view to be counted, the user has to be logged in.

Why are we doing this? Cheaters are driving the RSR down. You have all seen the notices, and blog entries for services that guarantee tons of traffic to your profile overnight. All these traffic exchanges, automated programs, and auto-surfing scripts are inflating page views, and that makes the RSR lower for legitimate users. Since all this traffic is from random non-Yuwie members, the easiest way to stop this is to not count guest views. We know this will affect some legitimate traffic to the site, and we apologize for that.

Again, in order for any page view to be counted, the viewer has to be logged in. Thanks for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact us through the help area.

This is a major change in how Yuwie works; you can stop bothering about everyone outside Yuwie and just focus on the members themselves.
Im not sure what to think of this. I see where this is coming from, but on the other hand I'm afraid this will encourage the Spam and Self Promotion on the noticeboard and in my messages even more.
Instead of focusing on good content for search engines to atrackt more visitors, everyone now will try to get all the people on Yuwie to their profiles; spam spam spam!

What do you think of the policy change?

maandag 22 oktober 2007

How to get tons of personal pageviews

On my previous post in which I state I went over 11k personal pageviews (for this month) yesterday I received quite some questions on how I managed to achieve this.
Hence this post in which I will talk about how to get a lot of pageviews yourself, not relying on the activity of your referrals.

Most people will tel you that maintaining a good blog is the way to get pageviews. To my experience this isn't true. My blog postings give me very little views unless I promote them on the noticeboard. Since I don't want to spam the notice board every time I have a new posting, this isn't very helpfull at this moment. I want to stress that this is merely so in the current situation. If Yuwie will improve it's indexing and ranking in the search engines, blog postings will be the content that can atrackt many visitors and thus generating pageviews. But in the current situation blog postings won't do much.

Pictures are the next type of content that can give you pageviews. I have uploaded a few, but didn't really try it out yet. My expectation is that it works quite the same as with the blog; at this moment it isn't doing much, but this can change when Yuwie is ranking better in the search engines.

To be honest, I didn't use these really up till now. So I don't really know how they would work out in getting you pageviews.

How I do it
But when blogs and pictures don't work, how did I manage to achieve this many pageviews? Just by Requesting Friendship with A LOT of people! Since I started doing so I received thousands of pageviews.
There are a few ways how I do this, and one of them is just adding the people that are shown on the homepage. Maybe I will disclose some other methods in future postings, but all I can say is; Be Creative! :)

11K pageviews

Today my own pageviews (not my refs) went up passed the 11k mark for this month :)

How much pageviews do you all have for your own pages?

Yuwie really needs to improve!

One way of getting more people to Yuwie is of course by ranking in the search engines. This is a very important factor, since it can direct interested people to your blog entries and thus giving you more pageviews.
The thing is however, that Yuwie has been programmed very badly from a Search Engine Optimization point of view.

A few examples:

  • your profile link redirects to a url with your account number. Both get indexed however resulting in duplicate content. Yuwie should create a 301 redirect and exclude the other url from indexing.
  • the urls to your blog entries are to complicated. Consider this example:
    the bad thing is that it contains 3 variables and spaces. Yuwie should use ModRewrite to create a url like this:

    At this moment there are only 6140 blog entries indexed by Google. Considering the number of users on Yuwie who are all writing multiple blog entries this is really a small percentage of the total of blog entries. IE. At this moment Google hasn't indexed any of my blog entries!

  • there are no Metatags; the title tag for a blog entry is just and the keywords tag is empty. The description tag is not even present.

These are things I just noticed while glancing over the pages; when looking more carefully there are probably lot's of other things to improve.
In order for Yuwie to get really successfull and generate a lot of pageviews, this really needs to improve!!
Please leave your opinion in the comments, and let's try to get the attention
of Y Guy for this matter.

Y Guy, if you're reading this; I would be glad to help you out improving Yuwie for the search engines....

Yuwie overtaking MySpace in site activity

Take a look at the graph below:

It shows the amount of pages that visitors view during one visit on Yuwie and MySpace. Looks like Yuwie is overtaking MySpace in 'activeness' already :)

Yuwie's declining growth rate; is it true and does it matter?

Dave wrote a good posting in which he points out that the growth of Yuwie is declining and we should stop treating it as a spamming network and start treating it as what it is; a great social network.

Declining Growth
The statement that the growth of Yuwie is actually declining is a bit strange and we might argue about that. After all, we are all seeing the total membership number growing nicely on the homepage, don't we?
To give a better insight in the Yuwie Growth, I decided to chart some of the numbers.
First let's have a look at the Total Membership Growth:

Yuwie Membership Growth
It's nicely inclining, and you might even say the rise grows steeper. But it isn't exponantial, we all can see that.

Ok, now let's have a look at the growth per day:

It's somewhat more irregular, but we can still see an rising trend, can't we?
Is the statement about the declining growth of Yuwie not true?

Well, just take a look at the last chart:

This is the relative growth per day; the % of increase in members every day. As you can see, in this picture the growth actually is declining.

The question remains how we want to look at the growth of Yuwie; as Dave points out himself we should stop looking at it as a money machine, but treat is as a social network. From that perspective we don't need the exponantial growth or the increasing relative growth; not everyone needs to refer lot's of peoples.
Just join, be an active member and start making friends. That's what a social network is all about isn't it!

Is your Profile page indexed in the search engines?

To benefit from some Search Engine Optimization effects from Yuwie, it is important that your Yuwie profile page is indexed in the search engines.

Here's how you can check if your Yuwie profile page is indexed:

Type the following query in the search box:

site: 64364

Replace the number with your own profile number.
The search engines will return the pages (profile page, comments page, friends page etc.) they've got indexed.

If you're not indexed yet make sure to do the following:
  • Add friends; the more friends you have the more backlinks to your profile you've got
  • Add links to your profile page on other websites
  • Add friends, add friends, then add some more friends.
Good Luck!

zaterdag 20 oktober 2007

Growth of Yuwie not exponential

A lot of people are talking about the enormous and exponential growth of Yuwie. Of course it´s true that Alexa is showing a big growth of traffic for Yuwie:

But does the membership also has a similar growth? Is it really exponantial?
I decided to try and look up as much data about the membership count mentioned on different blogs on different dates, in order to be able to reconstruct the growth rate of the membership.
I managed to get quite some data, and this is how the chart looks like:

It's a steady (strong) growth, but not exponential (at least not for this date range).