maandag 22 oktober 2007

Yuwie's declining growth rate; is it true and does it matter?

Dave wrote a good posting in which he points out that the growth of Yuwie is declining and we should stop treating it as a spamming network and start treating it as what it is; a great social network.

Declining Growth
The statement that the growth of Yuwie is actually declining is a bit strange and we might argue about that. After all, we are all seeing the total membership number growing nicely on the homepage, don't we?
To give a better insight in the Yuwie Growth, I decided to chart some of the numbers.
First let's have a look at the Total Membership Growth:

Yuwie Membership Growth
It's nicely inclining, and you might even say the rise grows steeper. But it isn't exponantial, we all can see that.

Ok, now let's have a look at the growth per day:

It's somewhat more irregular, but we can still see an rising trend, can't we?
Is the statement about the declining growth of Yuwie not true?

Well, just take a look at the last chart:

This is the relative growth per day; the % of increase in members every day. As you can see, in this picture the growth actually is declining.

The question remains how we want to look at the growth of Yuwie; as Dave points out himself we should stop looking at it as a money machine, but treat is as a social network. From that perspective we don't need the exponantial growth or the increasing relative growth; not everyone needs to refer lot's of peoples.
Just join, be an active member and start making friends. That's what a social network is all about isn't it!

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